Monday, January 28, 2013

College Day 24

wow, i cant believe how long i've been in COLLEGE. this is like a really pretty scary thing for me. in my comm class i had to give a speech, it went well and the feedback i've gotten from my peers tells me that i did pretty well, so i'm happy about that. i'm not sure if i'm actually learning much in that class right now, but i do know that i'm learning and that it'll be good for me. In science, as i have already noted, its a super easy class. sure there's alot of work that we have to do and there are dumb things, and currently i dont see an application for when i grow up... but its a fun class. when i was talking with Jessica about her classes she's taking for animal science, she was so excited and she loves them all, and i think thats cuz she can actually see the application of her classes in relation to what her career is going to be. I cant wait till next semester when i can start doing that too! i'm constantly looking for ways to apply what i'm learning, since that was my biggest peeve about school growing up. my math class is even called "math for the real world" or something like that. so i hope that the teacher doesnt completely hate me (its an online class) when i get asked a question like: The room is 12 ft by 8 ft. and currently carpet is 23 dollars a sq yard. how much will it cost to carpet the room. because my answer was accurate. except i had a second answer which was the real world application. the measurements of ft to yards in the one that i had gotten made the sq yards something like 166.4, so in my real world application i rounded UP instead of to the nearest, because in real life you cant buy 166 sq yards of carpet and expect to cover 166.4 ! so i gave the answers also if we were able to buy EXACT amount, and also if we had to buy straight up per square yard, meaning i'd buy 167 and have a little extra. ANYWAYS... idk, but i've gotten a couple of questions similar to that where i give the answer they want and then i give my two cents of what it REALLY is. 
in my college reading class, we arent even reading college text books, we learn how to take tests, how to take notes for class, how to listen, how to study. its all really interesting, i think it'll help me out quite a bit. and the students in that class are really fun to be around, and its just a really great atmosphere. the only thing is that we have to go to a tutor and practice teaching him what we are learning, its kinda lame, but whatever.
and then there's my American foundations class. its part online and one day in class. the teacher has us do a class discussion in class while he is giving basically a lecture. so most of the actual learning we do is on our own time online. its good. i'm learning not to put off my class to just one day. cuz then i end up spending 5 hours non stop of just that class, between lengthy readings to movies and essay questions. yeah its an interesting class. we are learning about how the gospel applies to what we are learning. and right now we are talking about the revolutionary war, the declaration of independence, the constitution, and the natural rights we all possess of life, liberty, and property. we have to right a paper in a group about why the citizens should ratify the constitution (as if we were a federalist in the 1770's or something) and my group seems pretty legit, they are the kids i sit next to in class, and one of them is pretty cute. we got together the other day to plan out how we are going to divide the paper and then ultimately put it together. i think my group is pretty solid, i dont think any of them are slackers, and i think that all the ideas are being distributed evenly and fairly. (this was always a big concern of mine). like my math class we have a group too. and thats a little more difficult to work together with them, because it is all online. 
As far as dating goes... idk why i'm not more motivated. i wish i were. theoretically i  should be going every weekend (if not more) and not worry about it being anything serious or super planned out or complex. but yet i feel like the dating situation here is so complex. and it doesnt help that its snowy and cold outside so that takes out the fun of most outdoor activities that i'd do. i'm going to try and be better. there's a couple of girls i WANT to go on a date with, its just a matter of figuring out what to do, when, where, alone or in a group, and how to ask her, and when, and how to make sure she knows i'm interested but just want to start of my getting to know her, not that i have to DTR after the first date!  so... my goal is to have a date for this weekend. we'll see how it goes. *crosses fingers*
i've been trying to meet new people. i have a new tactic i realized i've been trying out and it seems to be working for the most part, and i hope that it continues to do so.. i'll go to the lounge of our complex, and i'll just play some pool for a bit, either jump in if others are playing or are there. or play by myself till someone walks in to do laundry. its been pretty effective thus far. i met these girls last week, and some more girls just the other day, in fact those girls invited me over Tuesday for lunch. and then i run into sister Livingston's (first seminary teacher) daughter's (McKenzie) roommate, which was interesting and i hope i run into her again. so far just making a bunch of friends and acquaintances, i dont really think that i'll meet my future wife this way, but i still think its helping me try and be more social with people i dont know and dont have to know.
Food is fine. i'm eating lots of milk, eggs, cheese, bread. haha. i made fajitas a week or so ago, and today i made tacos, and during the week i eat bacon and eggs or grilled cheese, or i'll do some soup, or nachos. in short, no i am NOT eating fruits and veggies and that stuff.. but at least i'm not eating fast food every day, or nothing but hot pockets and pop tarts. i've actually only had one small bag of Doritos since i've been here. and had been working out (except for last week idk why). but i want to get back on the track of doing that again. so tomorrow will likely start again at the gym. the current plan isnt to muscle build, its mostly just cardio; running, biking, stair stepping. something that gets my feet moving for longer that 5 minutes, and faster than a walk, and get my heart pumping. so alot like trying to put my body back into Honduras. 
I've missed several days of interesting events that i will not go into detail about because that is just the way life goes. but i will remember the talks/ chill sessions i've had, and the time when someone was a douchebag, and the different meetings and fun fhe's and hometeaching, game nights etc. the events transpiring back in eugene that i'm missing out on; trisha's patriarchal blessing, friends new loves, and other gossipy tragedy's. and the fun times going on there too. i'm trying not to think about home too much. it makes me sad. i'm trying to focus on here, and whats going on here and the people here. but i have to be honest. my heart is still in Eugene. i love the people there, and the life i had. but i'm trying to learn to love it and the people here in the below freezing "burg".
its late so i should probably get to bed. its been a long update and now i think that i can just update like normal. I blog and tweet to let my own feelings out, more like a semi public journal, so while i know my family reads my tweets and Facebook and blog, its NOT for you. and i will probably say stupid things. but i am who i am, and these are some of my means of expression. 
i'm know i want to say the above few sentences, so i'm going to leave them. but i'm too tired to even re read them to know if that's what i mean to say. ... probably another example of why this is MY blog. mostly meant for ME, but that i allow my friends and family access for. i'm tired now. 